Gerald & Diane get engaged!

First of all, we would like to congratulate Gerald & Diane on their engagement. According to Diane, she said there was no way he could hide a secret like that from her. Diane had no idea and was very surprised!! Gerald, my man, good job and mission accomplished!!
My wife & I photographed Gerald's brother's wedding 2 months ago (check out denise & paul coughlin on our blog!). When Gerald decided to pop the big question, we got a phone call for us to capture this special occasion. On the big day at La Jolla cove, I was following and watching while shooting from a distance so that I wouldn't be noticed. I wore my baseball cap and shades and acted like a pesty I know what paparazzi must feel like! At one point, Diane looked up and noticed me taking a picture from the cliffs above so I then pretended like I was shooting the landscape. I think it work which is why she had the surprised look in the pictures below!! Then the proposal happened...what an awesome awesome moment!!
I'm honored to be a part of this occasion ...congrats again guys!! We look forward to photographing you two on your big day!
One of the shots from a distance before the big moment...

Almost blew my cover here as they were headed on the beach!!! whew...a bit nervous. After the proposal she mentioned this moment and was like "Did that guy take a picture of me?" heheheheheh...the answer was YES!!

Gerald pops the question!

Identity revealed..... Hi guys!!

This was the three of us talking about all the things that led up to the big moment!