  Bridal Bazaar

It has been a whirlwind preparing for this summer's bridal bazaar. But all the hard work was well worth it! We had so many compliments from vendors and customers alike. Thanks to Mick of Elite British DJ for lending us his lights. They really added a nice mood to our booth. Also, thank you to all of our clients who have made our job so fun!!!!

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By Stan & Jeannette Liu

Location: San Diego, CA

Welcome to our blog! This is where we like to show images from our recent photo shoots as well as post details about upcoming products and services. From time to time, we just might share a little bit about our life...which most of the time is spent, ummm...taking pictures and hanging out by our computers. Every now and then we do come out of our cave and do some fun things so we'll be sure to share those juicy details with you! Enjoy the pics & keep coming back! Please feel free to leave comments, we'd love to hear from you!

May 2006 / June 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 /

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