La Jolla Wedding

Angela and Jean's wedding took place down at the cove. Our bride and groom had a wonderful ceremony which they shared with their friends and family. The funny thing with the cove and it being a public place, onlookers stop and watch and some even start snapping photos. The odd part about it is they don't like you taking photos of them when they are snapping at total strangers! I guess we just like giving them a taste of their own medicine. With Angela and Jean you can feel the love between the two of them.

Baby Time!!
Recently, we got a call from one of our past bride and grooms letting us know they just had a baby girl and was looking to have photos taken of her. After they brought her over, she was such a sweetheart! She was at one point standing and posing with her hands on her hips like she was a model!! Just kidding...she is only 3 months old but we know if she could stand she would have done that for us! One of the most rewarding things about photography is that we are able to take that picture and freeze time forever in that one click....feels like we are magicians!! We were honored to be called upon to document Kim, Mike and Kaela!!
Congrats guys!!

It's's gone!! HOMERUN!
Wow, recently we have been shooting so many engagement sessions that is seems like that's all we do. Next time if someone wants us to shoot their wedding our response will be "I am sorry, all we do is engagement sessions!!" . =) We have had a wonderful time shooting every single one of them. Each one is a different challenge and that is what we hunger for! The reason for the homerun title of this post is that we had the opportunity to shoot at Petco Park. It's exciting to be a fan watching games from the seats but it's a completely different excitement to be on the field and shooting a session! We must say it was a homerun in terms of having a great time! Let us introduce David and Michelle!
To see more previews of their images from our shoot please visit our "Client" section of our site.

Images of other things...
It's truly amazing!!! You know you've made it as a photographer when your own pet turtle will pose for you! We were able to snap a couple of shots of our turtle, Dexterina, while she was basking in the morning sun. Before I go any further, I will explain her odd name. We named her Dexter before we found out he was a she. Rather than change her name completely, we decided to make it more feminine. :) After our third shot, she had enough as evident in the 2nd photo. "No more pictures!" she cried. What a diva!

Engagement session at the beach
Here are few pics of Lisa & Eric during their engagement session at the beach. One word best describes this couple --- FUN! Their smiles were so contagious! We can't wait till their big day!